ENEM 2023
Today we are going to talk about Enem (let’s call it the Brazilian SATs). Every year, teachers and students wrap their heads around the subject of the essay, and this year was no different. The students, 3.9 million in total, were asked to write about the challenges in tackling the invisibility of women's care work in Brazil.
Well, it is no surprise that the theme is current, and perpasses all classes in Brazilian society. Just by looking around, anyone can see that women in Brazil are responsible for most of the care– whether it is for their children, family, or elderly parents.
Among the causes, we can mention the naturalization of the act of caring as a female responsibility; slavery–it is undeniable that black women still do most of the care work; and macho culture itself of course.
We know that there is still a long way to go, but it is great to know our students were asked to think about important challenges in our society, and had to come up with solutions. The theme quickly became a meme source as well, like most things in Brazil. Well done, Enem!
Brazilians in Portugal
According to Casa do Brasil, there are about 400k Brazilians in Portugal. This number includes people with Portuguese nationality, which are not accounted for by the Portuguese government. The Brazilian community is the largest in the European country, and our impact is starting to be felt–from eating habits to general behavior. The relationship between Portuguese people and Brazilian immigrants is not always friendly, but there is no denial, Brazilians are changing the scene for good.
Today, it is easy to find pão de queijo, tapioca, açaí, picanha and many other Brazilian delicacies in Portuguese supermarkets. Portuguese restaurants have picanha (a Brazilian beef cut) in their menus. In Lisbon, Porto and other cities, Brazilians are producing, singing, DJ-ing, and changing the nightlife. While walking around the main cities, it is very common to stumble upon a roda de samba 🥁🥁🥁
The Portuguese always loved and consumed a lot of Brazilian music, but, if in the past this would happen exclusively with big names like Caetano Veloso, Adriana Calcanhoto, Gilberto Gil etc., today this also embraces other genres, like Brazilian funk and sertanejo (Brazilian country music).
Brazilian immigration in Portugal is not new, but we can definitely observe a big boom in the past 5 years. In the 90s, many Brazilian dentists moved to Portugal; then we saw a boom of construction workers and beauty professionals, followed by university students, and now we have people working in all fields. Everywhere you go, there is a Brazilian person.
The thing is, the Portuguese have an aging population, and need immigrants to survive. For Brazilians, Portugal works as an entry door to Europe, with the same language and similar habits. Many end up staying, others go back to Brazil, and some go to other countries. While immigrating, Brazilians seek peace, and a more relaxed lifestyle. The Portuguese media already calls the Brazilian immigration as “Luso Dream”, referencing the “American dream”. But one thing is certain, we all get nostalgic sometimes…
Did you know there were so many Brazilians in Portugal? Let us know.
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Carnival and relationships
The profane party, as we call it, embodies the whole idea of freedom. During Carnival, people are allowed to let loose, dance, and celebrate life, without the usual judgment. Of course, there is also a lot of flirting and kissing and… whatever else is up your aisle 💋🎊
Actually, more than 20% of Brazilians have already ended a relationship before carnival to enjoy the party. Nowadays, it’s also becoming more common for some couples to open the relationship during carnival to spice things up.
Tinder is leveraging the holiday with a campaign that encourages users to reach out to their matches during the party, so they will never miss a connection. There is probably no better time to start swiping and get your matches on the go, right?
Carnival is meant to be free, but be aware, Ash Wednesday always comes, bringing us back to reality.
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For a foreigner, Brazilian Carnival may sound idyllic and very fun, and it is indeed, but we all have our own particular way of celebrating. Some people go to all street parades, others use the time off to Netflix and binge, some people like to watch the parades on TV, others like to travel to a small beach town… The list goes on. One thing is certain, the 🎊reveler🎊 stereotype does not fit all of us, and that is good news!
And you? Do you take part in Carnival celebrations or not? Let us know!
🗣️There is a lot to say about Carnival on the social spectrum, and we will get to that later this month. For now, we would just like to highlight how Carnival is extremely important for our economy. Just in Rio de Janeiro, Carnival moves more than 4 billion Brazilian Reals yearly. From hotels to event workers, street vendors, airline employees, you name it, Carnival is HUGE! Other cities, like Salvador and Recife also attract thousands of revelers, every year. The economy of small beach towns all over the country also depend on Carnival to keep going through the rest of the year.
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Pop Report
We are always harping on the same string, but cultural insight is a pretty much untapped marketing resource that can definitely help brands everywhere. This is why we developed a new product, our Pop Report, an entertaining and effective way of knowing everything you need to know about your target market.
Talking about Brazil specifically, we are the 4th online community in the world, so what people say online will definitely impact your business, for better or worse. That said, your Pop Report may include:
❇️Info about the main influencers on your sector
❇️Info about viral memes
❇️Insights about consumer behavior/habits
❇️Insights about what people say when they go online
❇️And much more!
Each Pop Report is tailored to each client’s needs because every industry is unique. From our experience, the Pop Report can be very useful to:
❇️Develop a social media strategy
❇️Design and write content for website/apps
❇️Develop your marketing strategy
❇️Create advertising campaigns
❇️Prepare for a pitch
Ah, we also make sure you don’t get canceled 😊
Do you want to know more? Reach out!
🍍We can peel this pineapple for you! 🍍
#popreport #cancelculture #brands #culturalinsight #brazil #brculture #onlinebehavior
Dating Culture
A few days ago, the Brazilian actor Caio Castro set the internet on fire after making a controversial statement in a podcast. He compared paying the full bill on a date to financial support. In his words, he said it’s bothersome to have this implicit obligation to ‘provide’, and to pay the bill fully on a date. The statement generated online discussions among different groups of people—some supporting him, and others criticizing his statement.
🤔But we wonder, is this still true? Does this ‘obligation’ still apply? Are Brazilian men supporting women financially? 🤔
Let’s look at the facts! ➡️
🗣️According to IBGE, the number of women financially responsible for households has been increasing steadily. In 2020, this number was close to half of the country’s households.
🗣️Women in Brazil today are also responsible for domestic tasks in most cases, which means they end up having two full time jobs. According to research conducted by the nonprofit organization Think Olga, Brazilian women spend 21 hours per week, on average, doing domestic chores, the equivalent to 7 years of their entire lives.
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Slow Fashion X Fast Fashion
A lot has been said about how Gen Z members are moving towards sustainable fashion, but the reality is that it is not always that simple. During the first 2 years of the pandemic, the Asian retailers Shein and Shopee, known for their ultra fast fashion, became very popular among Brazilians, especially among the youngsters. Their appeal comes from the wide variety of items and super low prices. From the 10 largest players in the Brazilian market today, 3 are Asian–Shopee, Shein, and Aliexpress.
Shein’s strategy to reach Gen Z members was to contact small TikTok influencers, which started showing their outfits purchased on the Chinese retailer. 🛍️🛍️🛍️
But what about sustainability? 💚
Sustainable fashion is definitely a topic discussed by some groups in Brazil, but, for the majority of the population, prices are still the main concern, especially in the period of uncertainty and impoverishment we are living in.
Curiosity: 🗣️Shopee and Shein were the shopping apps with more downloads in Brazil in 2021.
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Inflation is not something new for Brazilians. In the 80s, we had to cope with sky-high prices and frequent changes of currency. We are resilient, but 2022 is bringing up some bad memories… The ‘cesta básica’, a Brazilian index that puts together basic food items that a standard family needs for a month, had an increase of 20% in the past 12 months. The price of tomatoes increased 94.6%, and coffee went up 64.7%, for example. People are struggling to make ends meet.
Driven by the pandemic, climate change, war in Ukraine and rising fuel prices, the entire world is experiencing inflation, and we wonder, what’s next? What brands are doing to keep up? 🤔
The food industry is already on it, and smaller packaging seems to be one of the strategies to keep selling products. Reducing product sizes to keep prices lower was already common practice in some parts of Brazil, like the North and the Northeast, and now it is spreading across other regions. Another strategy is to lower the bar on the quality of ingredients. Ultra processed and artificial flavoring are having a comeback. 😭😭😭
On the bright side, the Brazilian currency is becoming more competitive once more. We can only hope it lasts.
What is your business doing to get by during these uncertain times? We would love to know.
#inflation #inflação #foodindustry #strategy #brazil #consumerbehavior #culturalinsight
Brazil is the second country with more users on Instagram in the world, coming just after the United States. We’ve always been social, and social media just brought this to the surface. Before Facebook, Brazilians were all over Orkut, in a time where smartphones were not even a thing!
Instagram’s popularity just keeps rising, despite all the complaints about the algorithm. But it is not all about following friends and influencers. 55% of Brazilian users use the platform to communicate with brands, and 82% follow businesses on Instagram. 59% already purchased a product or a service they saw on Instagram.
But don’t be fooled, we are not naive. 55% of Brazilians on Instagram agree that there is too much fake news on the platform, and 49% are aware of the fact that they spend too much time on Instagram.
Intrigued? 🤔
🍍Follow us to know more about Brazilian Internet culture, and contact us to see the services we provide. From cultural consultation to transcreation, we can help your brand stand out among Brazilians.
Source: Research conducted by @opinionbox.pesquisas
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Cultural Insight
Cultural insight is marketing’s untapped resource. While consumer insight focuses on what consumers are doing right now, cultural insight is much broader, because it helps us understand how these wants and needs may change over time.
In order to do this, we must know a few things.
🗣️ What influences their decision.
🗣️ How things are shifting within the culture.
Think about it. People’s perceptions go through constant change. And how can we help you?
🍍 At Peel The Pineapple, we have a whole team dedicated to Cultural Insight. In order to help our clients, we developed a completely new concept called Pop Report, because we believe research can be fun and interesting, and we love Pop Culture. Who doesn’t?
Wanna know more? Get in touch, don’t be a stranger. Reach out at
#culturalinsight #brculture #portugueseculture #brazil #portugal #marketing #research #popculture #culturapop #culturabr #insightcultural
More than data
Several marketing and advertising campaigns nowadays have customer data at the heart of their strategy. The quick development of data analytics in the past decade made marketing more targeted and efficient, so why are we so tired of being treated in a one-size-fits-all manner?
The truth is, Spotify can guess your mood at any given moment based on your app interactions, Instagram may show you ads based on your interests, and Facebook may suspend your account based on keywords, thanks to complex AI systems.
But, to really understand and make sense of a culture, especially when it’s not yours, you must see life through the eyes of a native. You need a cultural insider, someone capable to explain why and how something is a trend, and what you can expect from your audience, while advising you about the best way to reach your goals.
At Peel The Pineapple, we provide insights about Brazilian and Portuguese culture to our clients, helping them achieve better results.
Because we believe we are more than data. We are human beings.
Interested? Drop us a line at
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Contact us!
We help many companies providing industry-leading Brazilian Portuguese translations that truly speak to your audience! Among our services, we also offer proofreading, editing, review, copywriting, cultural consultations, and much more.