ENEM 2023

Today we are going to talk about Enem (let’s call it the Brazilian SATs). Every year, teachers and students wrap their heads around the subject of the essay, and this year was no different. The students, 3.9 million in total, were asked to write about the challenges in tackling the invisibility of women's care work in Brazil.

Well, it is no surprise that the theme is current, and perpasses all classes in Brazilian society. Just by looking around, anyone can see that women in Brazil are responsible for most of the care– whether it is for their children, family, or elderly parents.

Among the causes, we can mention the naturalization of the act of caring as a female responsibility; slavery–it is undeniable that black women still do most of the care work; and macho culture itself of course.

We know that there is still a long way to go, but it is great to know our students were asked to think about important challenges in our society, and had to come up with solutions. The theme quickly became a meme source as well, like most things in Brazil. Well done, Enem!


Brazilians in Portugal