Slow Fashion X Fast Fashion

A lot has been said about how Gen Z members are moving towards sustainable fashion, but the reality is that it is not always that simple. During the first 2 years of the pandemic, the Asian retailers Shein and Shopee, known for their ultra fast fashion, became very popular among Brazilians, especially among the youngsters. Their appeal comes from the wide variety of items and super low prices. From the 10 largest players in the Brazilian market today, 3 are Asian–Shopee, Shein, and Aliexpress.

Shein’s strategy to reach Gen Z members was to contact small TikTok influencers, which started showing their outfits purchased on the Chinese retailer. 🛍️🛍️🛍️

But what about sustainability? 💚

Sustainable fashion is definitely a topic discussed by some groups in Brazil, but, for the majority of the population, prices are still the main concern, especially in the period of uncertainty and impoverishment we are living in.

Curiosity: 🗣️Shopee and Shein were the shopping apps with more downloads in Brazil in 2021.

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