It will be over soon!
The week leading up to Christmas is always tough. Do you know that feeling of carrying heavy shopping bags by the tips of your fingers until it stops the body's circulation? It's a bit like that. 🫠🫠🫠
We gotta prepare the feast, do the shopping, organize gatherings with family and friends…
And, as we know, in Brazil, women are responsible for dealing with most of this workload. We are exhausted. But it will be over (and worth it , we hope) very soon. 😍
#xmas #brazil #brazilianculture #mentalhealth #culturalinsight
The 'Rolê'
As most people, Brazilians have many ‘tribes’. Usually, people get together based on their music taste. In the video, we listed some tribes–the samba crew, the rock legends, the forró dancers… But there are so many more!
Our ‘rolê’ usually reflects a bit what kind of person we are. The samba fans may be more cheerful, rock gatherings tend to gather people in their 40s, forró is a great way for singles to engage with each other, country music fans like to share their heartbreak stories…
And you, what is your tribe?
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#brazilianculture #brazil #music #role #sertanejo #forro #samba #culturalinsight
December is here!
December in Brazil feels like a LONG Friday….
While Europeans and North Americans deal with snow and the cold weather, we are boiling below the Equator, especially during the times we are living.
The weather is the perfect excuse for a beer, a ‘roda de samba’, and for Secret Santas, obviously. Brazilians with a proper job also receive the ‘13th wage’, an extra salary in December, which always helps to boost the economy during the holiday season.
#fridayed #brazilianculture #brazil #culturalinsight #summer #holidayseason #xmas
The 'Mega Gig'
Taylor Swift Eras’ Tour arrived in Brazil on November 18th, and it has been crazy since then 😮😮😮
The singer, who released 3 albums during the pandemic, is performing for 6 nights in large stadiums in Rio and Sao Paulo. The gig is a huge production, aligned with previous mega concerts we had here recently, like Coldplay and the Mexican phenomenon, RBD.
Since ‘life went back to normal’, the amount of gigs and festivals increased dramatically. Experts say this is a consequence of a repressed demand. People spent almost 3 years not going out, so now it is time apparently…
The thing is, with these huge productions, an artist's presentation on a stadium today involves much more than a band, a singer, sound system, and some stage lights. As a result, the ticket prices are becoming prohibitive, especially in places like Brazil, where inequality is a reality. For Taylor’s gig, the cheapest ticket (a half price for students) was around 500 Brazilian Reals (100 USD).
In this case, the price sets the audience, so what is happening is, these gigs are not necessarily a place for fans now, it is a place for those who can afford the tickets. Sharing videos on social media is now also an essential part of the experience of going to a concert or festival. Can’t say we love that…
🖤The 23-year-old Ana Clara Benevides Machado, died before the singer’s Eras concert show at Nilton Santos Stadium in Rio de Janeiro. The temperatures in Rio remain a cause for concern, and complaints have been raised about the conditions at the concert venue. You were too young, Ana Clara!
#Taylorswift #erastour #gig #brazil #culturalinsight #festivals
ENEM 2023
Today we are going to talk about Enem (let’s call it the Brazilian SATs). Every year, teachers and students wrap their heads around the subject of the essay, and this year was no different. The students, 3.9 million in total, were asked to write about the challenges in tackling the invisibility of women's care work in Brazil.
Well, it is no surprise that the theme is current, and perpasses all classes in Brazilian society. Just by looking around, anyone can see that women in Brazil are responsible for most of the care– whether it is for their children, family, or elderly parents.
Among the causes, we can mention the naturalization of the act of caring as a female responsibility; slavery–it is undeniable that black women still do most of the care work; and macho culture itself of course.
We know that there is still a long way to go, but it is great to know our students were asked to think about important challenges in our society, and had to come up with solutions. The theme quickly became a meme source as well, like most things in Brazil. Well done, Enem!
Rita Lee
On the past Monday, May 8th, Rita Lee, one of the most revolutionary Brazilian women alive, left us, at the age of 75, after fighting cancer for several years. It was a sad day, it is A VERY SAD WEEK, for all of us. Since a very young age, Rita has been present in our lives, and it's really hard to say goodbye. 😭😭😭
Rita was legendary. Revolutionary. Esoteric. Mystic. Legendary. Feminist. Unpretentious. Authentic. Pop. Genius. It is even hard to put on words. The group she founded, Os Mutantes, had a cult following, with international fans like Kurt Cobain and the King himself. She was our Ziggy Stardust. Kind of.
Her solo career was no different. Our ‘Queen of Rock’ had an amazing life, released books for children, wrote autobiographies, composed hits, and, in an older age, became a sensation on Twitter. Before Gen Z was a thing, she already knew that being authentic was key.
There was nothing she was not capable of doing. Her songs and her spirit will live forever.
#ritalee #ritaleejones #brazil #brazilianculture #brazilianmusic #mpb
Date Ideas
Brazilian humor is funny, silly, and self-deprecating, meaning, it is perfect for memes! A few months ago, Brazilian users started tweeting about unexpected dating ideas–from naps after lunch to visits to the notary, with the hashtag #ideiadedate (date idea) 😜
We are the 4th online community in the world, and our memes usually start on Twitter, before migrating to Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. For those who are not part of our culture, it may be quite hard to understand our memes. It is common for foreigners to wonder why we laugh about tragedies, but we face so many challenges in our daily lives that the only way for us to cope is to laugh about it.
🗣️The whole idea of going on a date was not really a thing in Brazil before dating apps took over. We used to meet people at a night out, through friends, but a ‘date’ was something we used to see in American movies. Today, everything changed. Even the word ‘date’, in English, became part of our vocabulary.
#date #encontro #ideiadedate #meme #brmeme #brazilianculture #culturalinsight
Brazilians in Portugal
According to Casa do Brasil, there are about 400k Brazilians in Portugal. This number includes people with Portuguese nationality, which are not accounted for by the Portuguese government. The Brazilian community is the largest in the European country, and our impact is starting to be felt–from eating habits to general behavior. The relationship between Portuguese people and Brazilian immigrants is not always friendly, but there is no denial, Brazilians are changing the scene for good.
Today, it is easy to find pão de queijo, tapioca, açaí, picanha and many other Brazilian delicacies in Portuguese supermarkets. Portuguese restaurants have picanha (a Brazilian beef cut) in their menus. In Lisbon, Porto and other cities, Brazilians are producing, singing, DJ-ing, and changing the nightlife. While walking around the main cities, it is very common to stumble upon a roda de samba 🥁🥁🥁
The Portuguese always loved and consumed a lot of Brazilian music, but, if in the past this would happen exclusively with big names like Caetano Veloso, Adriana Calcanhoto, Gilberto Gil etc., today this also embraces other genres, like Brazilian funk and sertanejo (Brazilian country music).
Brazilian immigration in Portugal is not new, but we can definitely observe a big boom in the past 5 years. In the 90s, many Brazilian dentists moved to Portugal; then we saw a boom of construction workers and beauty professionals, followed by university students, and now we have people working in all fields. Everywhere you go, there is a Brazilian person.
The thing is, the Portuguese have an aging population, and need immigrants to survive. For Brazilians, Portugal works as an entry door to Europe, with the same language and similar habits. Many end up staying, others go back to Brazil, and some go to other countries. While immigrating, Brazilians seek peace, and a more relaxed lifestyle. The Portuguese media already calls the Brazilian immigration as “Luso Dream”, referencing the “American dream”. But one thing is certain, we all get nostalgic sometimes…
Did you know there were so many Brazilians in Portugal? Let us know.
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#braziliansabroad #brazilianimmigration #portugal #brazil #acculturation #culturalinsight #lusodream
Every year, during the Easter period, the same rivalry takes place on the Brazilian Internet. Some people rave about chocolate Easter eggs while others prefer chocolate bars, claiming you can get much more chocolate for a lower price. This dynamic is already a famous meme. And you? Are you #teamegg or #teambar? We are not picky… 😏
After being disrupted for 2 years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this market is starting to grow again. According to a research conducted by Kantar, Brazilians are choosing to buy homemade Easter eggs instead of famous brands, in an attempt to get more bang for their buck. The average price per kilo of a homemade Easter egg is R$ 132, and the branded eggs, made by large brands, is R$ 183.
🗣️This year, the retail market will be observing another big change, with the giant Lojas Americanas out of the market.
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#easter #easteregg #chocolatebar #brazilianculture #culturalinsight #consumerbehavior #meme #pascoa #ovodapascoa #brmeme
Brazilian Subtitles
Recently, the Portuguese online community took the Internet to complain about the Brazilian Portuguese subtitles on HBO’s series ‘The Last of Us’. The streaming service provided subtitles only in Brazilian Portuguese, frustrating European Portuguese speakers.
We get it. It is hard to understand why a giant like HBO did not provide localized subtitles, but, for many Brazilians, this was another opportunity to feed the rivalry between the colonizers and the colonized, in this case, Portugal and Brazil. Boy, we love controversy! 😜
Today, Brazil has about 200 million people, while Portugal has about 10 million. Most content– whether is entertainment, literature, essays, material available online–ends up being translated only into Brazilian Portuguese.
That said, if Portugal is a relevant market for your brand, we definitely recommend localizing your content for European speakers, to avoid any kind of online backlash. At Peel The Pineapple, we also work with European Portuguese writers and offer services like adapting European Portuguese to Brazilian Portuguese, or vice-versa.
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#brazilianportuguese #europeanportuguese #subtitling #thelastofus #hbo #streaming
Hablo mesmo
If, in the past, slang and neologisms originated mainly in soap operas and mainstream media in Brazil, the process today is extremely segmented. The contemporary digispeak can come from video games, TikTok, or even from the LGBTQIA+ culture. This is why talking to a Gen Z member nowadays can get confusing. But don’t sweat, we’re here to help!
Today, we would like to present to you a new slang that took over the Brazilian internet last year, ‘Hablo mesmo’. Instead of borrowing words from English, like we usually do, this time we found inspiration in the Spanish language. ‘Hablar’ means ‘to speak’ but, in Brazilian slang, it means being sincere, honest, outspoken, not holding back.
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Women in Brazil
Today is International Women’s Day, and we would like to reiterate, being a woman in Brazil is tough. Inequality between genders is still rampant, whether we are talking about wages, maternity or domestic work, not to mention rape and feminicide. According to IBGE, 2 women are raped in Brazil every minute.
A few days ago, we published a video about hate towards women from ‘redpill groups’, who claim women are privileged. Not sure what they are taking, you??? This is why today we decided to present facts to you.
Despite this bleak scenario, Brazilian women keep smiling. We innovate. We find strength in each other. We don’t give up. And we still manage to find joy.
We, at Peel The Pineapple, believe we should celebrate ourselves. We are here to stay, and we are not going anywhere ✊
Data source: Dieese, Datafolha and IBGE
#8m #8demarço #diainternacionaldamulher #internationalwomensday #culturalinsight #brazil #redpill
Macho culture
This week, on the Brazilian Internet, the ‘masculinity coach’ Thiago Schutz made a death threat to the actress and comedian Lívia La Gatto, after she published a parody of him on Instagram, and the police are now on the case. Schutz is an adept of Redpill groups, which, along with Incels and MGTOW, see women as inferior and spread hate towards the gender.
This kind of misogyny used to belong to the deep web, but recently, it took over mainstream platforms disguised as self-help. ‘Redpillers’ claim that men should pursue control over women, and have a hostile, suspicious and obsessive attitude towards the opposite gender. What better way to justify their own failure than blaming others, right?
As Margaret Atwood once said, ‘Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them’. The year is 2023, and the quote still rings true.
🗣️ Schutz, in one of his original videos, said he was a Campari drinker. He is now being referred to on the internet as the ‘bald guy of Campari’. The Italian brand published a statement the past week declaring that the brand has no connections whatsoever with the coach, and that it is against any type of prejudice or violence.
#misoginy #calvodocampari #campari #incel #mgtow #redpill #machoculture #brazilianculture #culturalinsight
Hello, beautiful people!
In March, we are launching our first newsletter, and we would like to invite you to be a subscriber 😀
We love making videos for you, and we will keep making them, but, in our newsletter, we intend to explain a few things a bit more. In this first issue, named ‘Carnival is over’, we talk about the fact that, for Brazilians, the year only really starts in March. We are also highlighting a few trending topics that took over the internet during the festivities.
To sign up, just access our website, and insert your email in the pop-up. There is also a link to the Newsletter form in the homepage. New clients that sign up to our newsletter will get a 10% discount on their next project with us!
#newsletter #brazilianculture #culturalinsight #translation #transcreation #brazilianportuguese
January. The never-ending month with never-ending bills 🤮
This is how Brazilians all over the country experience the month as, after the little splurge on Christmas and NYE, the bill never fails to come. On top of that, the month goes up to the 31st.
This month, social media in Brazil got flooded with memes about that. Self-pity jokes were in. No more takeouts, no more fun… We are done really!
February, please come in and make yourself at home 🤗🤗🤗
#januaryblues #january #memes #brmemes #brazil #culturalinsight #consumerbehavior #onlinebehavior
Brazilians have known Shakira since she was a young long-haired girl playing the guitar and singing in Spanish. She was kind of our Alanis Morissette, but Latina. A lot has changed since then. Before reaching worldwide stardom and becoming a pop diva, the singer started to record her songs in English. But one thing never changed, she has always put her heart and soul into whatever she did.
A few days ago, she ‘broke the internet’ with a revenge song about the betrayal of her ex-husband, the Spanish soccer player Pique. In an interview, she confided that she noticed someone else ate her jam, a jam she knew her husband was not keen on. The whole jam-story quickly became a meme in Brazil. We might forgive a cheating husband, but leave our jam alone, right? 🫠
The thing is, Brazil is the most unfaithful country in Latin America, according to a research conducted in 2022 by the website Gleeden. Eight in ten Brazilians have already cheated on a partner, at least once. And we were cheated on too. So we understand Shakira, and we are definitely going to sing her song out loud, especially at a night out with our friends. It can be cathartic. We feel you, Shakira!
Shakira’s revenge song was an instant hit, becoming #1 in Spotify in a matter of hours. It is worth mentioning the song was recorded in Spanish, not in English. It is another evidence of the Hispanic and Latin American culture influence and reach in pop music. The game has changed!
#shakira #pique #betrayal #brazilianculture #memebr #culturalinsight
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We help many companies providing industry-leading Brazilian Portuguese translations that truly speak to your audience! Among our services, we also offer proofreading, editing, review, copywriting, cultural consultations, and much more.