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  • It will be over soon!

    It will be over soon!

    The week leading up to Christmas is always tough. Do you know that feeling of carrying heavy shopping bags by the tips of your fingers until it stops the body's circulation? It's a bit like that. 🫠🫠🫠

    We gotta prepare the feast, do the shopping, organize gatherings with family and friends…

    And, as we know, in Brazil, women are responsible for dealing with most of this workload. We are exhausted. But it will be over (and worth it , we hope) very soon. 😍

    #xmas #brazil #brazilianculture #mentalhealth #culturalinsight

  • December is here!

    December is here!

    December in Brazil feels like a LONG Friday….

    While Europeans and North Americans deal with snow and the cold weather, we are boiling below the Equator, especially during the times we are living.

    The weather is the perfect excuse for a beer, a ‘roda de samba’, and for Secret Santas, obviously. Brazilians with a proper job also receive the ‘13th wage’, an extra salary in December, which always helps to boost the economy during the holiday season.

    #fridayed #brazilianculture #brazil #culturalinsight #summer #holidayseason #xmas

  • Raisins...


    Every Christmas, with or without COVID, Brazilian Internet gets flooded with memes about raisins. Some people love it, others hate it, but raisins are definitely a Xmas staple. Brazilians add it to everything during the holidays, from rice to farofa and potato salad. The discussion also impacts another Christmas favorite, the panettone, with some people preferring the chocolate version over the traditional, which also has raisins!

    Are you a raisins lover or a hater? Do people in your country also add raisins to food during Christmas? Let us know!

    #christmas #holidays #raisins #food #passas #uvapassa #meme #brmemes #memebr #brculture #brazil #culturalinsight

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