Macho culture

This week, on the Brazilian Internet, the ‘masculinity coach’ Thiago Schutz made a death threat to the actress and comedian Lívia La Gatto, after she published a parody of him on Instagram, and the police are now on the case. Schutz is an adept of Redpill groups, which, along with Incels and MGTOW, see women as inferior and spread hate towards the gender.

This kind of misogyny used to belong to the deep web, but recently, it took over mainstream platforms disguised as self-help. ‘Redpillers’ claim that men should pursue control over women, and have a hostile, suspicious and obsessive attitude towards the opposite gender. What better way to justify their own failure than blaming others, right?

As Margaret Atwood once said, ‘Men are afraid that women will laugh at them. Women are afraid that men will kill them’. The year is 2023, and the quote still rings true.

🗣️ Schutz, in one of his original videos, said he was a Campari drinker. He is now being referred to on the internet as the ‘bald guy of Campari’. The Italian brand published a statement the past week declaring that the brand has no connections whatsoever with the coach, and that it is against any type of prejudice or violence.

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