Cultural Insight

Cultural insight is marketing’s untapped resource. While consumer insight focuses on what consumers are doing right now, cultural insight is much broader, because it helps us understand how these wants and needs may change over time.

In order to do this, we must know a few things.

🗣️ What influences their decision.

🗣️ How things are shifting within the culture.

Think about it. People’s perceptions go through constant change. And how can we help you?

🍍 At Peel The Pineapple, we have a whole team dedicated to Cultural Insight. In order to help our clients, we developed a completely new concept called Pop Report, because we believe research can be fun and interesting, and we love Pop Culture. Who doesn’t?

Wanna know more? Get in touch, don’t be a stranger. Reach out at

#culturalinsight #brculture #portugueseculture #brazil #portugal #marketing #research #popculture #culturapop #culturabr #insightcultural




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