The Mystic Youngster

Youngsters are more and more interested in anything mystic. Period.

This is not only a Brazilian phenomenon, it is a worldwide phenomenon, although, in Brazil, we always had a thing for the Zodiac, fortune tellers, and for alternative therapies, like the Bach flower remedies.

A quick browse on the Internet can quickly confirm that Gen Z members are in love with the stars. ✨✨✨

In the past years, the number of Instagram pages about Astrology and personality types has risen exponentially, not to mention references to Zodiac signs and abbreviations of Myers–Briggs Type Indicator personality test on Tinder bios. But why is that? 🤔🤔🤔

Experts say that young people today do not identify themselves with established religions, so they are seeking comfort somewhere else.

The figure of the mystic youngster is everywhere online, and likes to spread their knowledge to other peers, whether through an online workshop or simply commenting. Not everyone likes it though. 😆😆😆

In Brazil, the Facebook Page ‘Eu não aguento mais o jovem místico’ (I can’t stand the mystic youngster anymore) has more than 250,000 followers, and is a space where Brazilians share memes to mock the figure of the ‘mystic youngster’.

And where are you on this? Let us know!

#jovemmistico #mysticyoungster #mysticism #astrology #alternativetherapies #facebook #instagram #onlinebehavior #genz #generationz #geracaoz #culturalinsight #tinder #myersbriggs #personalitytest #tinderbio #zodiac #astrologia #zodiacsign #signos



